it started when i lost a fight at the beach

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    I went to Newport Beach in June of 2018 to work on my tan,and I’m a big(fat) guy but I still got the confidence to wear a speedo, which I was and I’m also not afraid to just go up and talk to the hottest girl there, which in this case it was a trio of college hotties in skimpy thong bikinis.So I start talking to them and its going ok then some little british guy who was also wearing a speedo along with a snorkel and flippers just comes up and starts talking to them like I’m not even there so I’m like “excuse me we werent f**kin talking or anything” and hes like ” well you should kick my ass then you can talk to them” so I figured since I was way bigger than him I’d just rush him and knock him down but as soon as I rushed him he used his flipper to fling sand in my face then he came in and hit me right in the nuts and I just dropped to my knees then he went in the ocean “like talk to you soon ladies” and went underwater, and I’m on my knees holding my nuts and i’m like “ladies, a little help” and the the asian girl in that group is like”um you lost” as shes making an L over her forhead and holding her crotch with her other hand( like a guy would do after he got hit in the nuts) then they walked away giggling and as I’m on the ground holding my balls I feel my penis flinch and stiffen, I was turned on by the whole thing, i think it was the humiliation of losing to someone way smaller than me in such a way right in front of some hot girls I was trying to meet, I think it was them seeing my weakspot exposed like that in real time and that hit rendering me helpless

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