What hurts worse? A hit to both testicles or the same force into one nut?

Home Forums True Ballbusting Stories What hurts worse? A hit to both testicles or the same force into one nut?

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  • #51467 Reply

    I read a article that said the best groin kick is when you aim for one or the other not both testicles, so all the striking force is absorbed by one nut. Is this even possible, and do you think that would be more painful than smashing both testicles?

    #51604 Reply

    I’d say that getting hit in one testicle hurts more than getting hit in both simultaneously, because all of the force is focused onto just one of them and not both of them.

    #52071 Reply

    My new training partner told me something I’d never knew before— always focus your hit into a guy’s left nut because most guys left testicle is 10-15% larger than the right so it’s a bigger target with more nerves to smash, causing more intense pain.
    Also most guys penis hangs to the right side so it doesn’t shield the left nut so much. I had my doubts so he slid his shorts down to his knees, exposing his genitals and asked which of his nuts looked like a better target. His penis was small but definitely went to the right, and his left testicle did seem larger.

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