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GuestIt seems that ballbusting and cock torture has a secret history, in numerous instances across the years girls have taken out their frustrations and sexual desires on the more sensitive areas of men. This can be seen from the earliest civilizations to modern conflict and in modern or tribal socities. Kipling said it quite well in his poem:
“When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.”
The following is from Bugles and a Tiger by John Masters:
“Tribesmen who captured any soldiers except Moslems, and especially Sikhs or British, would usually castrate and behead them, and both of these operations were frequently done by the women. Sometimes they would torture prisoners with the death of a thousand cuts, pushing grass and thorns into each wound as it was made. Sometimes they would peg the prisoner out and with a stick force his jaws so wide open that he could not swallow, and then the women would urinate in his open mouth till he drowned…”
Allied pilots also used to carry a ‘blood chit’ for similar emergencies if they were shot down over African or Middle Eastern territory:
“The British officer John Masters recorded in his autobiography that Pathan women in the North-West Frontier Province (1901–1955) of British India (now modern day Pakistan) during the Anglo-Afghan Wars would behead and castrate non Muslim soldiers who were captured, like British and Sikhs.”
GuestThe Marquis de Sade also has a lot to say:
“Let’s cast a rapid glance at women of this variety. Zingua, Queen of Angola, cruelest of women, killed her lovers as soon as they had had their way with her; often she had warriors contend while she
looked on and was the victor’s prize; to flatter her ferocious spirit, she had every pregnant woman
under the age of thirty ground in a mortar.Zoé, a Chinese emperor’s wife, knew no pleasure equal to what she felt upon witnessing the execution
of criminals; wanting these, she had slaves put to death, and the while would f##k with her husband, and
proportioned her discharges to the anguishes she made these wretches endure.
‘Twas she who, searching to improve the tortures she imposed upon her victims, invented the famous hollow column of brass one heats after having scaled the patient within.Theodora, Justinian’s wife, amused herself seeing eunuchs made; and Messalina frigged herself while men were masturbated to death before her.
The women of Florida cause their husband’s member to swell and they deposit little insects upon the glans, which produces very horrible agonies; they league together to perform the operation, several of them attacking one man in order to be more sure of the thing. When the Spaniards came, they themselves held their husbands while those European barbarians assassinated them. Mesdames Voisin and la Branvilliers
poisoned for the simple pleasure of committing crime. In a word, history furnishes a thousand thousand details of women’s cruelty”matt
GuestThere was also Empress Theodora of Byzantium who used to masturbate and become sexually excited from watching men having their private parts chopped off. Then there’s the Egyptians who used to collect their enemies’ penises after a battle from the prisoners and the slain, perhaps it was the women who had that task?
Another one for Theodora:
These are probably decisions you will never have to make. However, castration and clitoridectomies have been performed for centuries. They are sometimes voluntary, but most of time, involuntarily performed. For the sake of all you squeamish men out there, and curious females, I will restrict the rest of this column to castration. Oh boy. Technically, castration means removal of the scrotum, testicles or penis.
In early Rome, male castration was quite common. And some women enjoyed watching the castration of men as a means of sexual arousal. It is reported that Theodora, Emperor Justinian’s wife, liked to masturbate while watching men being castration.
Written by a young lady on this site: http://www.xmag.com/archives/6-07-jan99/snickers.html
I’m trying to find the original Byzantine source about Theodora. It would also be interesting to find out what the Egyptians did at the battle of Kush and the Dahomey Amazons.
GuestHistory proves that when girls have complete control they will go for the sensitive parts.
“Even worse fates could befall warriors brought back alive to Nermernuh encampments. Here, especially once the victim’s screams established that his medicine was broken, the work was left to the women. Most observers reported that the women were far more patient and vicious tormentors than the males. It may have been the exercise of vengeance against their lot in life, but at any rate, the females destroyed the captive by the most drawn-out and hideous means they could devise. They cut off his fingers and peeled his eyes; they stretched his tongue and charred his soles, and they invariably devoted fiendish attention to his penis and testicles. The torture went on for hours, even days, so long as the body survived. ”
“Phallotomy” – cutting off the penises of victims – had long been considered proof of bravery. Egyptian soldiers exhibited thousands of penises before Ramses III following the battle of Khesef-Tamahu. Among the people of Mowat a victor in battle would wear about him the penis of his conquered enemy; it was considered good luck to do so. The women of Cush cut off the
penises of wounded or slain men and stuffed them in the mouths of their enemies. The nomad Danakil who roamed the eastern desert of Ethiopia were fanatical collectors of phallic trophies. The Hittites and Arabs did the same. An old Bedouin custom required a
warrior to present his bride or her father with the severed penises of tribal foes.https://darkandbizaarestories.blogsp…allotomy-penis
I’ve no doubt Ms Stacy would quite enjoy indulging in this sort of thing had she been around at the time.