A lot of guys enjoy talking about the paintball idea but very few are willing to actually follow through with it. I guess its overall a little risky and will cause unknown levels of pain etc. That and location issues!
I didn’t know some guys are into this, small testicle humiliation? I’ve only heard of guys being worried about their ball size or getting freaked out that one is smaller than the other etc.
Thanks for the feedback Tim! Cock “destruction” isn’t really my thing but I would like to film some dick kicking, I just need to find a willing male for that kinda video. Not all guys are into dick abuse haha
Well I’ve never heard that idea before haha! I do like the dressing up part and the rolling pin part so could be a fun roleplay video 😉 Now I just need a cute apron!
Haha I guess it’s a bit different having your balls shocked vs having a small round hard ball of paint come hurtling towards ya bare nutsack at god knows what speeds, from a few feet away lol.
I’ve tried to get guys to agree to it by just paintball shooting them while they’re fully clothed! And that’s ordinarily pretty painful, they start screaming and hollering. And then that puts them off doing it naked or doing it to just their balls!
Yes I want to make a video like that, but I need to either get a trample board or make one. Ideally a DIY handy slave can make me one and then I’d use it to trample his balls! Sounds like a fair arrangement really 😉
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