I asked Twitter what I should write a blog about and one popular suggestion was sister and brother ballbusting.Â
Your obsession with brother and sister ballbusting is a bit of mystery to me. Why is it so captivating for you ballbois? (Please let me know in the comments before you read the rest of this blog).
For me, sexy hot ballbusting is either about;
1) Quickly and effectively controlling a guy, asserting my power over him by bringing him down to his knees and humiliating him slightly by association
2) Ballbusting that leads to sex
3) Ballbusting that could‘ve led to sex, but it doesn’t as he’s too fucked up afterwards. Oooh I’m sorry, did you want to have sex? I’m afraid your dick and balls don’t work properly at the moment! đ
Perhaps the real reason you ball perverts want to hear about a girl kicking her brother in the balls is because it’s even better when there is absolutely no desire involved. When it comes to brother/sister ballbusting, it’s just pure malice, spite, and vindictiveness. Either that or control. When it comes to immediate family ballbusting, it’s never about sex. Want that TV remote? It’s testicle beating time. Did your brother make fun of you in front of his friends? Time to show him who is boss, again. Is he being annoying and won’t leave your room? Make him leave nuts first, by kicking “them” out the door!
If your sister starts punching you in the nuts, you can be 100% positive she’s not doing it because she likes you. She’s not flirting, not being coy, not playing hard to get. She’s beating your balls because she’s showing you who rules the roost.Â
I’ve heard in some families even the mum’s get into it. I remember one time, my brother had taken mum’s car keys and was stopping her from going about her day for whatever reason. Whining about how he wanted to take the car and this and that. Totally not important. My mum, in somewhat of a hurry, just looked at me and was like, “Stacy, could you please…” and I didn’t have to think twice, I gave those balls such a good one-two slam, he instantly fell over and dropped the keys.
As the pain spread quickly throughout his abdomen and stomach, sending waves of nausea through his whole body, he whined, “What the fuck was that?!”. His body was wracked with painful nut-spasms. He kicked his legs back and forth trying desperately to reduce the fiery pit of ball-pain.Â
“Oh stop overreacting. Don’t mess with your mother’s things!” She said. I remember the broad strokes of what happened and perhaps I’ve mentioned it before. I’m sure if I ask my brother, he’d remember it very clearly!
Anyway, my brother Mike never bothered mum like that again. I guess it’s not very fun for a boy, when his mother and sister gang up on his balls to get what they want and completely disregard his pain LOL. That’s what you get for being a rude, whiny boy. As well as having a ballbusting sister. Not only do you have to be nice to her all the time, you need to be vigilant to avoid comical nut pranks, wherever you are.
I’m sure I’ve told of a few brother and sister nut-pranks on here before. We had a bit of a ball-fracas at Christmas one time. There was the time I actually popped one of his balls (an accident caused by kicking too hard in a teen-rage) but long before that, his ballbusting boot camp was a day-to-day way of life. Step out of line and his little sister will get his balls.
Speaking of which…Â Â
One particularly memorable ball-bouncing event was when my friend Ellis was over and we were playing a video game on PS2. Mike thought it would be funny to sneak around and turn off the electricity via the circuit breaker and then pretend like nothing happened. Right in the middle of our game, the power went out in the house. I considered maybe it was a genuine power outage, but then when I went to check on Mike I could see him smirking and looking guilty as hell! I knew something was up.
“What have you done?” I asked him sternly with my arms crossed.
“Nothing, nothing at all. I’m just sitting here. Hey! I guess your done with the game now, lets go out to the park”
“Errr no. I’m BUSY! What happened to the power?!”
“I dunno, not my problem, god you’re being SO boring”
Annoyed, I went to do some checks and found everything had been switched off manually. I popped back to Ellis and said “Come with me!” and I raged back upstairs to his bedroom.
Mike was chuckling to himself “Aw look at you two, all grumpy ‘cus your stupid game got turned off”
I was trying to contain my anger in front of my friend, while at the same time eyeing up his balls, trying to see if I could attack them while he was sitting in his office chair. Ugh!!!!
I’m sure he was being extra annoying to me because he thought I couldn’t get his balls. He rilled me up real good, and what he didn’t expect was the ol’ “Gas Pedal” manoeuvre. Without any warning whatsoever I hopped up straight onto his chair, my foot landing in between his legs and onto his genitals. I expertly ground the ball of my foot into position to best trap his nuts and bounce almost entirely on his most sensitive organs.
Ellis immediately started pointing and laughing. This was way more fun than PS2! Thanks Mike.
“Fuck you! We didn’t save the game and we lost so much progress!” I yell, with my hands on his shoulders, all my weight now perched onto his jewels.
He instantly panicked and tried to stand up, but he was perfectly trapped and pinned onto the chair by his own balls. His struggling only succeeded in stretching his own nut cords while I continued my Nutcracker Ballet. Not only were his bouncy orbs getting crushed, but the delicate testicle cords were getting twisted and deformed as his balls squashed into chair, against each other, and my foot.
He let out an extremely funny high pitched scream. An animal cry of crystallised nut-anguish. Me and Ellis both laughed even harder at that.
Finally after a while he was able to grab me and pick me up and throw me off his nuts. I landed on the floor, it hurt my bum and back a bit, but I was laughing too hard to care and it was totally worth it. By now he’d attempted to walk it off, but instead ended up rolling around once again in purest ball agony. His balls had been unceremoniously squashed, almost to the breaking point.
“OMG, did that hurt?” Ellis asked him.Â
“Gah! Not my balls again, fuck!” he was able to scream. His hands gripped his crotch and his eyes were squeezed shut. Thankfully I’ll never know exactly what he was going through, but I could clearly see he was going through all the convulsive symptoms unspeakable ball pain.
He ending up curling into a tight ball, rocking back and forth in the fetal position. He was also coughing, trying to control his diaphragm as he involuntarily sputtered and cried a little. His spiking endorphins confusing and bewildering him once again, whisking him away to wherever boys mentally go on their ball-pain journey.
I considered prying his hands off his balls and giving them a refresher kick, but I had mercy on him. See, I can be nice sometimes!     Â
“Ignore him, he’s overreacting as usual… Get over it Mike, and go fix the power. Or Ellis will bust your balls too.” I warned.
“Haha, can I??” Ellis asked. She had always been very polite and up to this point had not kicked my brother in the balls, ever.
“Well I guess you are the guest. My house is your house. Of course you can kick Mike’s balls!” I bent over close to Mike so he knew we were serious, “Especially if he doesn’t fix the electrics.” I gave him a playful, light slap on the cheek.
We left him on the floor there, moaning and drooling. The same usual performance boys do when their nut cords get twisted. We had enough of Mike and went to my room for half an hour. When we went down to check on the TV situation we could see everything fixed and back to normal. Perfecto! He’d even locked himself in his own room, keeping out of our way.
So you see, even annoying teenage boys pay attention when you threaten their testicles. Brothers and sisters can fight like cats and dogs, but the cat always wins when she goes for those vulnerable male organs. True domination doesn’t have to be sexual, which is I think why you ball-perverts like the whole brother/sister thing so much.
Brother and sister ballbusting is one of the purest examples of the true power of nut smashing, plain and simple. In some ways it’s the essence of ballbusting. Power, control, domination, getting what you want, using the balls as a lever, an effective and fun tool to twist the boy’s will to your own, with relative ease. Sometimes no effort is even required, once you’ve educated your older brother properly. Just a strongly issued threat is enough.
Ballbusting: fun and educational for everyone!
Stacy, you’re so lucky to have balls in the house that you can kick anytime you want to relieve the stress and have some fun. I wish I had a brother so I can kick his balls. Did you ever punch your brother in the balls when he was sleeping?
ufff… you seem to be cruelđ±
Yes, it was important to follow through with threats so he’d know I was serious about my threats in the future. One time I said, “If you don’t do [i forget what] right this instant, I’ll wait til you fall asleep and punch you in your balls SO hard.”
He didn’t do it right that instant. So I made a mental note. Next time he fell peacefully asleep on the couch I gave him the biggest haymaker straight into his sleeping bollocks that any boy had ever seen up until that point. After that I only had to threaten him. I recommend!
Your brother had to roll off the couch crying like a baby, and it had to take him a few minutes to comprehend what just happened since he was sleeping. That’s hilarious!
Stacy, could you please write a blog on squeezing a guys balls until he passes out and wakes up crying. What is your record on making a guy pass out?
I know a girl who is extremely dangerous to guys balls just like you are. If she wanted to she could crush a guys balls in 2 seconds but she wants his balls to be in unbearable pain for as long as possible. She picked up some random guy in a bar and they went to a hotel and she was squeezing the guys balls in the hotel room and she made him pass out 4 times. Each time he woke up crying. She was also experimenting that night and now she knows how to gradually used enough pressure and slowly building up the pain and look into his eyes and stop at that few seconds so he doesn’t pass out. I bet you can do that also.
you know strange girls
Wow, how did he react to that, please describe in detail??
Wooow my sister did It too! đ” She woke me up with a punch in the balls ÂĄterrible!đŹ
Please tell us more about when your sister woke you up with a hit in the balls
My sister hurts my balls many many times too and momma dont even care. Even when I cry ‘:(
I was threatened the same way as you threatened him but in my case it was not just one of my sisters. It was all three, whose ages were three years older, two years younger & three years younger. They did not catch me on the couch, they snuck into my bedroom about two in the morning. They gently removed my bedsheet off me & my oldest sister grabbed both of my nuts & yanked on them to wake me up. Then my two younger sister commenced to pound furiously on my nuts while my older sister presented my nuts to them. Then they switched over to where the two younger sisters were each grabbing one of my balls while my older sister used my nuts as a pin cushion as she imbedded four needles into each of my nuts & a couple of needles length way into the head of my cock downward into the shaft of my penis. The pain was so unbearable that I passed out & when I woke up, the needles were still imbedded into my cock & balls. Well, I removed them, got dressed & went down stairs for breakfast. My oldest sister told me if I behaved bad to them again, she told me to be prepared for a castration. From that time on, I made sure my bedroom door was closed & locked to prevent them from castrating me.
Between this thread and the date with a knee, you come across as really keen. What got you into it Norma? You have any experiences to share with us?
Lol definitely yes đ
It’s a good threat.
I would say something like, “If you don’t do X I’ll punch you in the balls when you sleep!”
And then if he didn’t do it…
Well I had to follow through with it or else the threat wouldn’t work next time.
Though it would be a bit tricky sometimes because he had a lock on his door. But he’d sometimes fall asleep on the couch đ
And I have a long memory so it was then that his delicate, vulnerable sleeping balls would get a MASSIVE teen hammerfist straight into them at lightning speed.
My little sister is exactly like you. She always kicks and punches my balls for absolutely no reason. She uses my ballsack like a punching bag. She just does it for fun and laughs. She is 5 years younger than me and my balls took a lot of beating since she discovered that our nuts are weak.
it reminds me of my sister! đ”
Brutal your mom! đŹMy mom when my sister kicked my nuts sayed “you must have done something”
was kicking hi on the ground necessary? I am glad you didnt do that
My sister is three years older then me & the first time she pile drove her foot into my nuts was over a television program. She kicked me so hard that I passed out in the fetal position & when my mom came in she asked my sister what happened & she told her how she kicked me in the nuts because I wouldnât let her watch the Lawrence Welch show. My mom got me to wake up by massaging my balls. Once awake, she informed me that my sister was right for kicking my nuts & for me to respect my sister as she was the elder! Well, by mom doing this confirmed that I was going to have my nuts beaten on a regular basis & my sister told me that she liked kicking me in the nuts & that my nuts would no longer be safe if the two of us were alone. Well, over the next few years Until she graduated from high school, my nuts were nailed at least three times a week. I think maybe this was the reason that my wife & I had no children.
are you really infertile? from about 3 kicks a week for a few years
Hey Homer! Sorry it took so long to answer your question. Yes, I am infertile but I do not believe my sister was totally to blame as far as infertility is concerned but I think she was the driving factor in me marrying my wife who was truly a ball buster who enjoyed decimating my cock & balls by using spiked boots, elastrators, cock cage with an urethra insert & a cattle prod to mention a few. My sperm count is so low that I couldnât get an ant pregnant! Lol! Since I am now in my seventies, my balls are not needed but to be my wifeâs toy to kick them around for just her pure pleasure.
smashing your foot on the brakes was cool
After my cousin kneed me before my sisters and her sisters things changed forever at home. No more kicks, there was no need, but plenty of threatens and jokes. My sisters mostly joked about it, only when they were really angry got seriuos about it. My cousins weren’t so gentle and quickly threatened me anytime they want to preavail.
Even one aunt of mine is just a few years older than me and i remember once she and a friend of her used me as model when explaining how to kick balls
I love your analysis, Stacy. Having been kicked in the balls so many times growing up by my older sister, I agree that itâs a pure power play. Nothing sexual. Although I think in addition to power she just found it downright funny. Sometimes she didnât have a reason to kick me but she did. I think she found those random kicks out of nowhere hilarious, because I was absolutely shocked and surprised. Like one second everything is normal and then next, her foot is connecting with my vital organs at a really fast speed. Onetime while I was recovering in the fetal position on the ground I heard her tell a friend how she loved all the different ways I would react when she kicked me. Itâs true. Sometimes I would drop like a sack of potatoes and start bicycle kicking my legs. Puking and passing out, Iâve experienced both.
One she found really funny was when I insisted on trying to stay standing (was trying to pretend the kick didnât hurt so much in front of her friend, who I had a crush on). I bunny hopped around from furniture to furniture trying to keep stay standing but it hurt so bad I couldnât stop moving. But for some reason I couldnât properly walk either – muscle convulsions I think. So I was doing this bunny rabbit hop. The look on my face must have been priceless because her friend ended up literally on the floor because she was laughing so hard at me. Her friend – my crush – later crushed me. Guess she couldnât resist after she saw my sis do it.
How did your sister friend, the one you had a crush on hit your balls? Your sister had to be laughing so hard. Did your sister other girl friends ever hit your balls?
How did her friend hit my balls? Well, we were alone together and holding hands. She told me to close my eyes. She was being so sweet and we were holding hands, so I thought she was going to kiss me. As my eyes were closed, she grabbed my other hand and must have now been standing across from me. I remember the excitement of waiting for her kiss⊠and then⊠WHAM. It was like lightning struck me. I opened my eyes wide and was looking straight into her eyes. I was so shocked and surprised and it must have shown on my face, along with the intense pain. Because her face went from a look of curiousity to one of pure glee. She started laughing so hard, and continued laughing as I started crying and asked âwhy? Why?â To her. I didnât understand why she would do that. Now I get that this must have been so much fun for her but I didnât get that at the time.
I’m a little jealous my sister wasn’t like that, but mostly relieved đ
Dear Norma
You sound like a nice girl who wants to experience this. If you are interested, you could practice on me.
I can’t speak for other ballboisâą, but I think the reason I can enjoy the occasional brother/sister story or clip stems from what a sister casually busting her brother implies about the world those siblings live in. Unlike most sex acts, which like to play up their taboo, ballbusting really benefits from feeling normalized, and it’s a pretty useful shorthand for ‘this is a world where balls are just understood to be sources of amusement’ when you can show that going on even at the mundane moments of family life (especially if you throw in a female authority figure shrugging it off as a ‘he had it coming’ like one of the other posters’ mother.) My actual sister is ridiculously sweet to me and I’ve totally compartmentalized her and the rest of my family from my fetish, so while I’m sure some are truly into the incest angle of it, it’s not universal.
Did your sweet sister ever kick you in the nuts?
Mine sure did
Hi Stacy, I’ve been meaning to comment on this for a while, first of all I’m a big fan of your blogs in general but i especially love this one.
As an older brother who was repeatedly ballbusted I find your experiences fascinating, and hopefully my insight will be worth adding.
First and foremost and to echo others, there’s never been anything sexual between my sister and I, I don’t view her at all in that kind of way, and I’m sure the feeling is mutual from her end. That said though, I find the idea of her ballbusting me to be such a huge turn on, but mostly because of what it represents.
For years I was the bigger, stronger older brother, and often asserted my dominance over her. We’d argue and fight like cat and dog and I always won, without exception. Until I didn’t.
I remember the first time I realised she knew about testicles was when she boasted about making a boy in her year at school cry after kicking him. She imitated him bent double clutching himself and crying, and was laughing as she told me this story, clearly delighted at what she’d been able to do. I remember at the time feeling slightly afraid at the idea she now knew how to hurt guys. Thereafter she began busting me repeatedly. Any fight would always end the same, me bent double clutching my testicles wailing in agony after a kick, squeeze or punch or stomp, and her laughing away to herself at my vulnerability and pain. Busting ranged from playful jokey taps, to full strength angry stamps to my nuts, leaving me, her former tormenter, crying in pain and begging her for mercy. She’d go for them at any opportunity and I think she genuinely loved busting me. I’ve no idea whether it turned her on, at the time I didn’t even know what ballbusting was, or understand that I had a kink, but soon the idea of it began to really turn me on. So I think she gave me a ballbusting kink đ
Do you think your brother ever secretly enjoyed being busted by you?
My little sister always gets me by my balls. Whenever i tease her or hit her she attacks my nuts, she kicks them, punches them and my favourite Squeeze twist & pull of balls. Some times she kicks my nuts on the spot without any reason. Some other times she plans & waits for the right time. When i come out of bathroom after taking a warm shower, she hides in my room and suddenly pulls the towel around my waist making me fully naked. Now she got the clear view of my low hanging nuts dangling between my legs and kicks my bare balls. Getting kicked in bare & naked balls is even more painful than while wearing pants because there will be no cushioning and dampening of her foot by the underwear and pants. She just wants to show off her power and dominance over me. Brutal.
She made me realise that though i am 5 years older, taller and muscular than her and while she is short and skinny she could turn me into a crying pile of jelly on the floor at her will just by a swift kick to my nuts. I always protect my nuts when she is around but still she finds a way to kick my balls.
As a ballbusting professional, do you think that ballbusting interest and thoughts actually makes guy a pervert?