I recently made and released a video that features full weight ball-standing. It’s a video I’ve wanted to make for a long time and it is requested an awful lot by you ballbusting bois! It’s a big fantasy for you boys, that just about any girl can step on your balls, either on purpose, or by mistake, and you would be at her utter mercy.
It’s so easy for us girls to totally dominate you, pin you to the ground, regardless of your size and strength. We can just loom over you and effortlessly step with all our weight onto your balls, causing you a huge amount of pain, while you’re stuck there, immobilised under our foot or shoe. Whoops!
Will your balls be crushed under our weight? Will they end up ruined or bruised? Who knows! There’s only one way to find out. Let’s leave it up to fate… or physics…
Back when I first started being interested in kicking boys in their balls at school, I remember my mum and I watching this Madonna movie, I think it was “Desperately Seeking Susan”? If memory serves, at several points during the film both women did something I’d never seen before, something they gleefully referred to as a “gas pedal”. This was where in a moment of whimsy they jammed their shoe onto a boy’s crotch and then stood up, easily putting all their weight directly on his testicles. The guys’ faces were a mask of comical debilitating pain, humiliation and, just like in tons of other instances of extreme testicle abuse in popular media, this further informed me of new ways to prank the boys at school in front of all the girls. Ya know, for education purposes, but also just a bit of lighthearted fun. If you yelled “gas pedal!” while you did it, all the better!
It became something of a “meme” at my school (before memes existed). Gas pedalling briefly became the coolest new way to turn unknowing boys into crying piles of jelly. A terrific new ball prank to get the girls laughing during break time. Since Madonna did it, it couldn’t be bad, because Madonna is a cool and super famous celebrity!
Anyway, many years later I learned that our fun little “Gas Pedal” trick was actually something called full-weight ball-standing in the ballbusting/porn world. It’s a kinda long name, but okay. I gather that it’s something you nut-perverts get off on, but actually relatively few are willing to try on their own testicles. When it came to real-life ballbusting with a nice lady most of you can take getting your balls kicked, punched, slapped in all manor of ways. But then when you ask them, “Can I step on your balls with all my weight and bounce up and down on them?” they usually balk. And that’s fair… there’s fantasy and then there’s reality. But nothing gets in your way of watching a lovely girl stepping/jumping on SOMEONE ELSE’S balls 😂 so that’s where my video comes in handy, as you can pretend it’s your balls and maybe decide if you want the same treatment. Perhaps not, seeing as that dude ends up puking over himself and my foot LOL. But hey, everyone’s experience is different 🙂
Lots of guys want to know more about if full weight ball standing will make your balls burst. There’s no exact answer for that, maybe it will, but it probably won’t. Let’s take a look at the process:
According to Google, all it takes is 50lbs of direct pressure on a testicle to make it go splat. That’s just for ONE testicle, so if I’m stepping on BOTH of them, each testicle is only getting half my full weight, which is around 60lbs per testicle. Is that “direct pressure” though? I’m not sure, but direct pressure sounds like a technical term, at any rate, I don’t really care or worry too much about balls going splat. I just want to do it to have fun, make a cool video and the guy wants to do it to tick it off his bucket-list of ballbusting experiences.
If I was to simply stand on your two balls, gently putting more and more pressure on them until I was standing fully on them, that’d be approx 128lbs of delightful British girl meat, BUT, I don’t do that. My favourite thing to do instead is to put all my weight on the balls and bounce on them like this:

<– Video still from Full-weight Ball Standing Surprise!
As you can see I’m in mid-ball-bounce here, and having the best time ever, even after he’s had a “gross accident”.
F = m(a) which turns out that the actual Force on your balls will be momentarily much higher while I’m bouncing on them. I hope you didn’t need them for anything useful for the next few days…
Another interesting thing to ponder is that if the weight is too much for your stupid weak testicles and suddenly one gives up the ghost, unfortunately for you now all the weight is just resting on one remaining ball instead of being distributed to two, so it’ll definitely pop the second one too.
My old ballbusting mentor had a saying, regarding ball standing. “If one goes, they both go.” So actually, I was surprised with what happened during my ball standing video.
One of the surest signs of an immediate and consequential injury to the testicles is nausea and vomiting. Surprising huh? Be If you’re a seasoned ballbusting veteran and you’re getting your testicles repeatedly bashed again and again by a sexy lady while you cry tears of pain and joy, or if you’re a total nut noob and find yourself in a darkened room and, having said the wrong thing, a classy lassie’s knee sends your balls straight through your body up into your throat, be aware, if you suddenly need to vomit, something has most likely gone a little wrong for you down there.

Testicle torsion causes the most nausea, but other types of testicle injury also cause this response. It’s kinda surprising because nausea and vomiting are quite common side effects when it comes to the ballbusting fetish.
The slave in my video said to me that he didn’t want to use a safeword. To which I’d responded, “Are you sure? Safewords are recommended for this sort of thing.” But he said no. He also said he wanted his wrists bound behind him so he couldn’t stop me from doing whatever I wanted to his jewel filled man-purse. Fair enough lad!
After grinding my heel with all my weight into his frankly plump fucknuts, I decided to give them a good kicking while I was still wearing my black heels. What I didn’t realise was that the front of my hard sole was slamming full force into his testicle and pinching it between my foot and the hard bound book that he was sitting on. I think this dramatically hurt the wall or interior of his already weakened and squishy nuts.
When I started jumping on them again they were in a flimsy weakened state to take my full weight. Aw, poor sad and abused balls. Maybe I should have stopped when he said meekly, “I’m feeling sick…” but then again he said to keep going no matter what. Perhaps he was just warning me… or asking for permission to puke LOL.
Shortly afterwards something happened inside his balls, something called a “testicle fracture”.

I’d honestly never even heard of this before. I’m no doctor, or had any medical training besides some basic stuff at university. I thought fractures only happened to bones, but you learn something new every day huh?! Can you make any sense of this? Well apparently the nut-doctor can.
<– That black dot shouldn’t be there. That’s the fucked up bit.
Part of the inside of the testicle separates from itself. It may or may not be accompanied by a full on testicle rupture. Basically the immense weight raining down on his already weakened and defeated testicle caused some injury to his babymakers, and the pain and disorientation was too much, causing him to throw up. Some pretty gross stuff eh? Don’t worry, testicles actually heal from fractures, so long-term his ball will be fine I’m sure…
I gave him a few more bounces and stomps to his exquisitely sensitive testes. I had to stop because I was getting bored and the smell of vomit filling up the room was too icky. Urgh, his stupid weak organs ruining everything LOL and his silly kink which may ultimately take him out of the gene pool!
By the way in case you didn’t know, if you don’t have any ballbusting toys, you’re really missing out. It’s an exciting and fun way to introduce ballbusting to your relationship or even just to enhance your solo explorations.
Make your nuts hurt today by visiting my new ballbusting toy website: www.BallbustingToys.com
I am trying to figure out if you play up your total disregard for male suffering, humiliation, and the mutilation of your male victims to be playful and sexy, or if you really mean it 💯 like you say it and just love reveling in it. Either way, you are amazingly sexy and your content is the best on the internet.
Every girl who has ever busted me has been one I have converted to the lifestyle, and they have all started out very hesitant and filled with concern, but learned to love the control and trying to score points as they realize that they aren’t permanently damaging me (longterm they are, but not in a short term catastrophic way). I’ll be the first to admit (as a longtime bustee who has been busted hard since I was very young) that your attitude and style confuses the heck out of my scarred brain. Half of me feels vulnerable and hurt like when I used to be abused as a child (unfortunately my first ballbusting experiences were violent, sexual, and not consensual, but it has become a form of therapy and escape for me since then), and half of me is so horny and turned on by every word you write.
Unfortunately I live in the US and cannot travel right now, but I know that if I ever met you I would without question turn my manhood over to your wims for your enjoyment, but I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would have me facing what would no doubt seem like an eternity of regret, suffering, anguish, and fear. Still though, it wouldn’t stop me from submitting myself to you. If I had functioning genitalia after that, I know that memories of that experience would keep them exercised and excited for a lifetime after I recover.
And as a final note, I think that all those boyfriends you turned into busting bitches were nuts to ever let you go. They should have manned up and earned your respect as a ballboi and fuck buddy so you’d want to kerp them around to play with. Their loss entirely. You are a dream.
Yeah I started getting ballbusted kicked by girls since I was a little kid and still do by ladies there was only one time I had a near torsion ( ( needed outpatient procedure and didn’t know till the next day, I love it when a beautiful women barefoot or in heels has no regard for my safety and tries to and does hurt me, but the next day you should always be in enough pain that you can’t work and that your not sure if you should seek medical attention, I’m over 40 attractive married and do have perment damage but almost exclusively phantom pain, and ive been busted alot for the women and man to both get the most out of it his hands should be tied and she should decide when he’s had enough never him, the only thing I regret is the few times I was getting busted and blocked it,
I’m thinking that having a girl in soccer cleats stepping on my balls would be extremely painful and might free up some vomit 🤮 or fainting. Depending on the energy and aggression of the girl they might be popped or ruined. It might be the thing to try anyway.
HiYa Dearest Stacy, How about standing full weight on a bois balls, with pointed studs on the soles of shoes, and sharpened pointed stiletto heels. I’m sure that you are cruel enough. O.K. there would be quite a lot of blood, but you could always give him a mop and bucket and tell him to clear it up! (Providing he was still conscious). It would make a brilliant video, and you could surely get the shoes made, and find a boi horny enough to agree.!