Recently on my Loyalfans I did a quick video of a ballbusting move you don’t see much online, I call it the “Grab, Twist and Pull”. It’s a super easy and a very effective ballbusting move that I’ve done quite a lot both in my personal life and professionally. I thought it’d be cool to show everyone what it is and what it means.
It’s so popular among us girls that we call it the GTP or Groin Rip. It has other fun nicknames too, The Crush Rip, or even The Crush of Death, in some martial arts it’s known as the Monkey Stealing The Peach. It’s the sort of move every girl has heard about and has at the back of her mind just in case things get crazy. But it begs the question, does it really work? And what does it do exactly?
I have tried several different varieties of it, different intensities, from just-for-fun, to prank’d ya good! For starters I’ll tell you about my Loyalfans episode from this week. I had a captive boy, his hands behind his back, and his feet were spread shoulder width apart, balls presented before me like a good boy. He was into submission, but not super into ballbusting, which I like, because it just makes it seem that much more painful and senseless. His balls were huge and heavy and he assured me he hadn’t masturbated in over a week so those puppies were full of juicy sensitive goodness.

I got onto my knees and looked at the camera while grabbing a large handful of his testicles, he gave a small yelp just at that rough treatment of his delicate gonads, but he was about to experience much worse. I immediately twisted the ripe testicles 180 degrees in their sac. This pinches all the nerves and blood vessels and immediately begins to starve the balls of life-giving oxygenated blood. Though they still had some wiggle room. Now not everyone can do this as it’s difficult and painful and I liken it to giving your testicles an “Indian Burn” but if you want them to have no new blood at all, do what I did and go ahead and grab them with the other hand to keep them in place, then with your free hand twist them EVEN MORE, 180 degrees further in the same direction. Now the balls are twisted more than 360 degrees.
You’ll feel they suddenly have nowhere to go. Try twisting them more and the body instantly rejects that option. The boy is struck with sudden and sharp pangs of nausea, stomach cramps, and everything else associated with hard nut trauma. It’s terrific and so easy to do! In this case the boy in question squealed, a plaintive groan for me to stop, luckily his mouth was stuffed with some old smelly socks so I pretended I couldn’t even hear him. I often like stuffing noisy slave’s mouths with something, like when I crushed the boy’s balls with a vice, I stuffed his mouth with my used panties. But I digress…
The balls in this extremely twisted state are vulnerable indeed. It’s from here that I gave them a sudden tug towards me. This is extremely dangerous, and you definitely should never do that if you care about the balls at all. They are already twisted 360 degrees and the nerves and blood vessels develop weak points, kinks where, with just a small tug you can rip the balls away from the body within the sac. Doing what I like to call, “unplugging the testes” so they just become free floating dead shits inside the boy’s unfortunate sac. Yes, you should never do it… but I did it anyway just for fun and to see what happened!
I could tell just from just one or two quick sudden tugs, that this was extremely painful for the ball-slave. It instantly sends the male body emergency signals to the brain that your vital meaty bits are in dire peril and that you should stop whatever you’re doing! The look of pure panic on his face made me burst out laughing. That’s when I began to mix things up even further by squeezing the hunk of twisted nutmeat in my hand and beat them with my other hand as hard as I possibly can.
Now, I’m not a boxer or an athlete or anything, but a full force punch to the goolies is still a full force punch to the goolies. And TEN full force punches is probably going to hurt anyone whose testes aren’t dead. He screamed stupidly through his smelly old sock gag. I punched and laughed, punched and laughed. What made it even funnier is that it must have hurt way more than just regular full-force sac-smashes, because his hypersensitive gonads were already in full scaredy-cat sensitive mode because of the whole, 360-degrees+ nearly being ripped off his body situation.
I just wanted to focus a bit more about how marvellous and special the GTP is, because not only does it become much easier to rip the balls out of the boy’s body, but a secondary thing happens to the sac skin… It becomes extremely taut and vulnerable to tearing. You know how if you try to tear a piece of paper just by pulling straight at it, it is difficult, and quite strong, but if you tear it from a different direction it just tears easily. This is the sort of thing we learn in kindergarten.
But with balls, when you twist the testicles around 360 degrees or more, and then give them a super hard pull, the sac skin can tear as easily as some gossamer paper. It’s almost as if it was designed to be ripped off! LOL you stupid boys and your ridiculous balls are just begging to get your nuts ripped off and you don’t even know it!
You’d better be pretty nice to all the ladies now, because anyone can read this blog, so they’ll all know how easy it is to rip your nuts off or at least cause you a large amount of unpleasant pain down there.
The Grab, Twist, & Pull method is super easy! And if you’re determined, anyone can do it! Isn’t that fun?! What do you think about this move? Do you want to try it? Let me know in the comments.
Hello Miss Stacey
I kind of discovered that myself even when I was a teenager, even. Because I often am found of stretching them any way, I found I could twist them to about 420 degrees if I let myself relax first. I read in anthropology texts there were peoples who used this on the unfortunate males who were captured after battles. it was always the women who did it. Humm, it was the women who volunteered for it.. I think there is something genetic in the minds of women about this. Finally, after all inhibitions are taken away they love it. Just afraid to let themselves even admit it to themselves in modern, “polite” society.
What do you think?
It’s such a wonderful move, the raw power it has over testicles perfectly illustrates why women are superior to men. The Grab-Twist-Pull can so easily castrate a guy, there’s just no point to pretend that men are somehow the stronger sex any longer.
When my lady friend got my balls in her fist & squeezed & pulled I was crying in submission. She told me that if I did not do exactly what she said she would yank them off. From that day on I was her slave.
no guy is going to just surrender his balls. So for you to get ahold of them you must’ve done something underhanded and sneaky like lull him into thinking you’re going to just fondle them or you snuck up on him. Either way makes you a coward. I could sneak up on a girl and karate chop her throat suddenly or poke her in the eyes and she’d by putty in my hands too. So what does that prove?
My eyes are full of tears just reading it.
If my wife would take me back , and it took this or a taser to cock honestly I’d do it in a heartbeat.
she left me for her gym trainer,
Oh my sack! I want you to grab twist and squeeze my balls, but please to castrate me! >_<
Hi Stacy,
The Grab, twist and pull move is so powerful, probably the most powerful if any girl wishes to destroy a man’s balls i.e., his fertility permanently.
Coincidentally my little sister always uses this technique to win wrestling fights with me at home. I am 28 years old and she is just 23. We wrestle a lot everyday at home and she wins every single time everyday.
Her technique is simple, when we start fighting, she pushes me away, pulls down my pants (i don’t wear any underwear when i’m at home cuz i want my balls to hang freely and i don’t like sweaty balls).
Now i’m laid back on floor, fully naked, no shirt, no pants, i try to regain my stability but then she spreads my legs apart, flicks my small penis to the side to get a clear view of my scrotum.
There they are, my balls, my delicate pair of balls hanging helplessly in front of my sister. I’m a low hanger, my ball sack is quite saggy and both of my balls hang much lower and the ballsack swings a lot. It makes very easy for my sister to grab my vulnerable balls.
She immediately grabs my nutsack into her left hand. Locks both of my nuts between her thumb and index finger. Now, i try to fight back but fear sets in as my sister got hold of both of my nuts. Now, she starts squeezing them tightly and punches them with her right fist viciously without any gap. I yell “oooohhhww my balls, my balls, my ballsss” loudly, she laughs hysterically and says “yes bro these are your balls but i own them now” and continues to punch them without any mercy to my poor balls. Then she twists them 180 degrees. It is at this point where i surrender to her completely. Because i could feel all the sensitive nerves tangling up and cause sharp pain. Now she twists them even more to 360 degrees. I beg her to stop twisting my ballsack as the pain shoots through the roof. Then she will pull the nutsack towards her, i could feel all my delicate nut cords stretching. She warns me if i don’t stop making noise she will pull my balls even more and causing complete cutting off of nut cords. In other words she will castrate me. I cry and cry begging her to not castrate me as i will not be able to have kids if i lose my balls.
Finally, she obliges and shows mercy on me my releasing my nutsack, untwists my balls back, and let go of death grip around my balls. Now, she is declared as winner and i hold my dear precious balls in my hands, clutch them, caress my balls and writhe in pain lying on floor naked while she is fully clothed standing powerfully above me.
It makes me realise how powerful girls are as they are capable of castrating a man very easily at their own will just by Grabbing, squeezing, twisting and pulling of man’s balls.
I can vouch for the bull, grab, twist and yank. It’s also perfectly legal ,to destroy the balls, if it can be proven, the ‘vermin’ has committed an indecent act. This includes, gropers, flashers and even a chronic tit pervs, that become pests. Most of the males who get this treatment are your lowely males types..Small dick pervs, drunkards, sleazy bags, dishpigs,
Sir, I am a corporate VP in a large firm. After my divorce I met the lady who now owns me. I was trying to fuck her & she grabbed my balls, twisted, pulled, made me cry out in pain & I submitted to her every wish. Or should I say her every demand. She made it clear any disobedience would result in my castration.
After I submitted to my lady friend and agreed to be her submissive she really took control. She knew exactly how to control me. Edge me & deny me, make me agree to things. All my money, my car, my opinions all taken. No escape. Total submission just to get to cum once in a while.
Well, my gf uses the grab twist pull method on all her boy toys. She has destroyed a couple of her toy testicles when she pulled/yanked too hard & there cords separated. She just laughed & with her scalpel, she just opened their scrotum up, tied their testicle blood vessels off & threw is balls away. I still have my nuts but I have passed out from the twisting of my nuts more then 360 degrees. She uses her eunuchs for pleasuring her pussy & whipping their cocks.
There was lots of GTP on Ballbusting legends/bombshells, thanks to you Stacy, it won’t be a lost art!
It must have been terrifying as well as exciting for that lucky guy! Not everyone gets their balls sadistically twisted. I love the total control over your submissives and how you enjoy humiliating them.
Sometimes women grab our balls and twist them to remind us who’s in charge, I’ve been married twice and both ex-wives squeezed my balls whenever they could. Women can’t resist a huge bulge.
I hope that my next wife, as a modern girl that she is, will read your advice and regularly bust my balls. Now that I’m older, it will be tastier for a young lady to dominate me with her little hands. Girls rule and that is not discussed.
Thanks, Stacey!