I get asked this type of question about kicks often enough, that I’ve decided to write about it!
Before a kick in the balls
I tell the male to stand with his legs wide apart and his hands behind his back or head. At this point they see the sadistic glint in my eyes and get scared, begging for me to ‘take it easy’ 😉
Next is calculating the perfect aim, which is a very important preparation for devastating testicle kicks. Either I feel and squeeze the testicles first with my hand and see how they are positioned on the body, or I give the mans crotch a good look with my eyes to work out what kind of strike would work best. Alternatively, if I am barefoot, I also pat the balls lightly with my kicking foot, which for the guy, is a little bit teasing and tantalising.
All these steps all allow me to get the most precise testicle kicks, which is what I want!
During a kick in the balls
Then for the actual kick, I want to throw my foot into the balls as hard as possible, so hard that I almost lose my balance. I need to feel like I’ve almost lost control in order to really attempt a good ball-destroying kick, one that garners the proper results anyway.
The instant the foot slams into the nude nuts, it’s going so fast that I don’t really even feel it until the balls are completely squished and become mush around my foot.
Oftentimes both balls will desperately try to escape like some kind of marshmallowy liquid. But, before they go anywhere, they are first completely flattened against the male’s pubic bone. Everything in the groin area gets smushed and flattened and crushed and potentially mangled.
Delicate blood vessels get squeezed in an instant, the testicles themselves try to push their pink ball-meat into tubes and holes that it’s not supposed to go. Fragile veins, ligaments, surfaces and corpuscles, explode tear and die, from the microscopic all the way up to his loose saggy scrotum sac which may bruise or even split open if I kick just right, or if my shoes catch it the wrong way. Yikes!
If I kick the testicles dead center, often I can feel his testicles deforming on either side of my foot. The perfect hit! <3
After a kick in the balls
If I like the guy I’ve just kicked, my pussy will tingle directly after impact. If he’s just a pathetic ball-slave I’m not into, I still get great fulfilment and happiness from damaging his precious and delicate sexual organs, maybe permanently, who knows!
But what about his poor testicles? What happens to them after a kick, depends on a few factors.
Strength of the kick for example, is an important factor. Luckily for me, I have very long, powerful legs that are slim yet toned from keeping fit and working out. My legs deliver fierce kicks that could easily travel at, or above, testicle rupturing speed. Legs come in all shapes and sizes, but their strength is the key ingredient here.
The testicles themselves are another factor. How weak are your testicles? How strong are they? Do they have any prior damage? How much ballbusting experience do they have? As it turns out, different men have different testicle strengths, which might sound funny but it’s true. Some testicles can take a kick, or two, or 100!
I like boys with the naturally strong testes, whether they’re newbies to ballbusting or not. Although when they are newbies the pain they experience is exponentially greater and the response is much funnier (for whoever is watching)! 😆
As for the physical reactions to a kick in the testicles, so many things are possible. Will his whole dick and balls suddenly ejaculate huge spasms of semen uncontrollably, causing pain, discomfort and embarrassment? Will it cause backed up sperm in his balls for hours and hours, causing aching and cramping of a whole different variety? Will it cause him to be in the fetal position for the next 20 minutes, with pain and nausea not letting him be able to speak? All of these are possible.
Which physical reaction is my favourite? Probably the cumming uncontrollably one. It’s especially great when it happens in a location where you are not expecting cum to fly out everywhere. It’s fun to also humiliate the boy for cumming in an instant. It can sure come as a shock for everyone involved. This involuntary expulsion of his seed is so bizarre and stupid and useless, it’s wholly worthy of ridicule – isn’t it ladies? So I’ll definitely make fun of him from now on, forever. LOL.
“Hey remember the time I kicked you in your balls so hard you came in your pants in one second?” LOL! I mean, what can you say to that? Nobody wants a one-second man 😭
But that’s not even the worst physical reaction that can happen. The extremely sensitive and spasm prone vagus nerve is linked to millions of nerves in the abdomen, diaphragm, and all the way up the spine into the brain. So, of course, it is not uncommon to feel sick, have shortness of breath, general all-over body achiness, stomach or back pain, and also dizziness.
Dizziness after a solid testicle kick can also cause the man to faint. It’s a bit of a scary reaction when you’re not expecting it, so you need to make sure you have a lot of space around you in case it happens. I have been able to catch this reaction on camera. I wanted to record it because you don’t see it in ballbusting videos very often. I’ve always been confused as to what sort of bodily response is that? Taking a quick ball-nap doesn’t seem very helpful in a defence situation 😂
The loss of consciousness happens for two reasons, one can be the sudden extreme drop in blood pressure as the testes get crushed and then snap back into their normal shape, this almost always causes dizziness and loss of equilibrium. Whatever the reason, as you go down, I laugh at you. LOL.
Another physical reaction is the fact that a multitude of ‘fluids’ and ‘excrements’ can also expel the body in such great moments of ‘stress’ and ‘trauma’. Example fluids = 🚽 💩 💧🤮
That happened to a boy in the school assembly, in front of the whole school, which was totally gross to see especially first thing in the morning 😩 He got his balls busted so hard he had to change schools as everyone in the auditorium was disgusted and laughing at him. His pride and reputation ruined in a few seconds… that’s what happens sometimes.
Guys can also have psychological reactions after getting kicked in the testicles. Such as crying, feeling sad, emotionally hurt, unloved even. Guys can cry and whine and even scream at the top of their lungs.
The crying response is the least controllable of these, because once again the nerves connecting your balls to your body are all jangled up with the nerves in your face and brain that control the tear ducts and mucosal membranes. Your nose will get stuffy and you’ll start weeping uncontrollably… if you’re a pathetic weak ballboi. Are you or aren’t you? You’ll never know until it’s proving time, and my boot is delivered unto your family jewels. Crying does kill the mood a bit though, ballbusting is supposed to be fun and its harder to laugh at someone when they’re crying 😂 quit ruining my fun! 🤡
After a testicle kick, the boy will often try to remain standing, sometimes desperately attempting to grasp on to something, even if that thing is me. For them it’s important for their ego, to try and look like a big strong, capable boy LOL. It’s easy to shrug off his weak, sweaty hands as he tumbles to the ground. I’ve had boys try to grab my clothes and end up touching my boobs, earning them a second powerful knee into their weak nutsac. My foot or knee will come gliding out from between their legs. Leaving a kind of emotional and physical void in their life. Whereas at once there is a maximum overload of sensation, suddenly there is dearth. A hole, filled with nothing but my crystalline laughter at their utter helplessness.
One testes smash always makes me want to do more, whether it is to more boys or the same boy. I like to reach down sometimes into the quivering pile of goo that is the boy and grab a handful of his immediately swelling and 100x more sensitive gonads, squeeze-pull him to his feet and then deliver another brain-jarring groin assault. I can always tell that boy’s brains were not meant to experience this kind of pain, because the looks of confusion and pain border on the grotesque. LOL.
So having said all that, regardless of which response or combination of responses occurs immediately after my devastating ball beatings, my reaction is inevitably the same, a feeling of sexy feminine triumph and power, combined with a joyful mirth. It always makes me laugh, giggle and scoff!
Let me know in the comments what reactions you’ve had to ballbusting. I kinda feel like you gotta collect them all, like rare and unique Pokemon’s! 🤣
“Some testicles can take a kick, or two, or 100”. Have you ever come across a man who can still keep standing and fighting after a full force kick? or do they all hit the deck and game over?
“I like to reach down sometimes into the quivering pile of goo that is the boy and grab a handful of his immediately swelling and 100x more sensitive gonads, squeeze-pull him to his feet and then deliver another brain-jarring groin assault.”
I have an amazing dom who loves to do this, except she ties a rope around my balls super tight, and simply yanks them up again as soon as she kicks them. She’ll walk me around the room, pulling them hard to make me keep up. I have no choice but to waddle behind her to keep my testicles from getting ripped off. As soon as she “lets” me fall down, she’ll yank my balls with the leash and squish them between her foot and the floor, obviously laughing at me the whole time. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that ball-humiliated
this is the typical basic difference btwn female n male in aspect to bb. u wire from female side as one as hard as kick -probably toe kick with hard shoe wear to inceease damage- or hit, like self defense, incapaciating the male and humiluation.
but for male perspective almost totaly different for bb fetishes. pesonally i prefer continueous n increasing pain instead of one peak pain. if a kick has to be bare feet. because it is a perfect thing to feel soft warm n velvet skin n due to relatively soft against a hard shoe wear, the pain has delays. about half second later sudden inceease in pain in nuts flows to abdomen n chest, ur legs weaken n flows back to nuts. this pain flows continuously btwn nuts to abdomen in magnitude.
also stepping on nuts much more delicious. direct contact with her soles, u feel the warmth and softness on ur cold nuts, and continues pressure in them.
but my favoutitenus squeezing. laying back with wide open legs she sit btwn, lay her bare feet to my face. her bare legs touching my abdomen n chest. beleive me ladies soft n warm skin already enough to destroy any male when he touch. my hands on her legs and feet, her hands stars squeeze both. here one thing again.
if not warn the female she would probaly insert her nails in to nuts for damage n pull tha ballsack. for male side the purpose is not damage, but continious pain till cum. i advice use ur thumb index n middle fingers to grip n only pressure with thumb to center of the elips fm fwd. when i worship her feet easy easy inceease preassure till i not able to move or speak but just breathing. this is the moment just b4 faint. keep in that pressure till i cum. actualy in this moments can not move or speak or even think. the slowly increasin pain equally spreads all ur body. ur perception changes n only feel one thing us pain. and paralysing u. b
under this condition cuming is probably one of the best experience can a male live. beleive me unbelivable. u are under control of a female fm urcore of manhood with only three fingers, not posdible to escape, totally surrender. physical, psyhologicaly n emotionaly a total defeat.
but u feel her fever, her skin, her smell n u never want to finish but due to pain, want to finish as quick as possible.
so female aim alwasy destruction, male aim alwasy no damage but pleasure at thenend but painful way.
and when start cuming she has to immediately release the grip, if not u ll faint very quickly. because drained empty nuts hurts more than loaded nuts.
after this suffer more than a week with burning nuts n difficlty walk.
by cuming with kicks, always apply cold pack to nuts before kicks, till ballsack shirnksnto nut sizes. this allows to male receive harder kicks, and nuts cannot move n escape easily in tight sack. about twenty kicks should cause cum.
bb fetish combined with foot fetish, n if the lady is hot, is a dream makes addiction.
This is my all time second fave site/blog. 😉
I’ve been waiting for many weeks to see you post something. Where have you been? You are easily the best BB documentors of our era you are to be celebrated and saluted for all times. Please come around more often and lets chat more I miss having you on the site. You are legend!!! 🙂
Thanks! I’m more active on Twitter, come check me out there 🙂 https://twitter.com/BbustingStacy
Hi I’m Troy Stump and I like your blog stories and I am interested in ballbusting myself but do you end every guys family jewels when you kick them or so you leave them a chance to reproduce after you are done if so let me know
I always have an erection while getting ballbusted, it is just so sexy, the buildup, the act, and the aftermath. Some kicks bring me to the ground, some I can take, depends on how much of it I’ve been receiving up until that point, so my tolerance varies. I prefer barefoot, but boots would be my second favorite.
I want to experience it from you but I’m worried you’d kill the testicle and I’d like to come back for more.
Your friend.
As you say, the first time i got kicked i tried to remain standing (that ego) but i ended bending the knees.
It’s better falling and let that pain and weird sensations flow across all the body. It will happen anyway, so don’t fight, accept it
Every guy can take a shot to the groin in his own way. I’ve had 2 near knockout kicks to the groin where I was close to Dreamland. One was a stripper who was wearing flats and caught my right nut dead center and almost ripped it free through my pants. It wasn’t pinned but I felt it was about to fly. Another stripper was going to bust me and got especially excited because she had another stripper as an audience. She caught my right nut with the pointed part of her stripper shoe and it did get flattened against my pelvis. The other girl thought she had kicked too hard. I needed about a minute to regain my composure.
Well, just now I got back from the club where I got the stripper who was the audience member to another ballbusting (previous comment) to try a few minutes kicking my balls.
She came over and I said you know you saw the other girl do it and it’s what I’m into. She said she’d be back once she worked up the courage. She was back within a few minutes. She said she was ready and I asked her if she felt better with the stripper shoes on or off. She said on and that was good, but if she wanted to spare them I’d be okay anyway.
Her first kick was off target but the remainder were on and harder. She learned fast and my balls are sore.
She began to like it more and the trampling with her heels on mashed me pretty good.
Once it dawned on her that even tho I am a man we are made of about the same kind of meat the fear was gone.
My ex-girlfriend ballbusted me. There were slight attacks of nausea and dizziness sometimes, but usually euphoria from the pain in the testicles and I asked for more. Usually there was squeezing my balls with her fingers pressing into them, kicks with and without shoes and trampling them, as well as pulling and twisting them. Wild girl. If we hadn’t broken up, I would definitely have lost my testicles.
I greatly enjoy ballbusting, and I love yet fear the sadistic dommes like Stacy that have this wonderful viewpoint and love of ruthlessly abusing manhood. I have only experienced gentle ballbusting a few times with amazing ex girlfriends that were sweethearts and willing to try for me but were afraid to hurt me at first before opening up and enjoying it a little, and only had a hard ballbusting once very recently with a sensual amateur domme that had never done any ballbusting or CBT before. She blindfolded me and made me kneel and spreading and she delivered 5 or 6 (I don’t count the lone miss) booted kicks of increasing strength until I flopped and moaned and rolled around uncontrollably while thanking her between gasps and she decided I had taken enough pain so she then pegged me. She was not obese or a BBW imo, but rather very robust and curvy and extremely well built, she played soccer, which I love, and I hope she put everything into that last kick but I suspect she didn’t. I had bruised balls and pain for almost 3 months and I am considering contacting her again, but I really want to watch her kick me and see the look in her eyes, and to be pushed to the point of begging for mercy, crying, puking, passing out, etc by someone like Ballbusting Stacy that will just laugh and carry on. We love you Stacy!
I’ve always wanted to lay down with my legs together and my balls resting on top so a female golfer can practice with her favorite clubs.
thank you lady Stacy, i have always been an avid follower of your posts and quite honestly i firmly believe that ladies as yourself are what most males including myself both need and desire. as i am a weak beta male my balls have never been used for what they was intended for and so i feel they should be used by a lady as yourself