The ballbusting novice:
Many of the boys I’ve ballbusted had never had their nuts busted before that moment.
Instead, they properly spent a lot of their life trying to look after their nuts. Protecting them and constantly worrying about their welfare LOL. As a result, a good percentage of these boys had never experienced any sort of painful impact to their sensitive testicles, until they met me. My hard, polished shoe entered their reality and slammed into their prized parts, for one reason or another. (Either way, I’m laughing).
It never gets old seeing a boy get nut-smashed for the first time. It’s like a dancing art form going on in front of me. You never know for certain how the guy will react, everyone’s different. But you have a good idea of what will happen, the general strokes of how it usually goes. The bending over in agony, the clutching of the groin, the heavy breathing and zoned out look on their face. It’s great fun for me, or really any girl, to watch all of this!
For the guy however, he knows that being hit in the balls hurts. Perhaps it’s even the worst pain a man can experience. He knows he should try to avoid impacts to that area. It’s in his best interests! But now he’s in the presence of a ruthless ballbuster. In an instant his testes become squashed so flat they could fit into an arcade coin slot, before suddenly bouncing back to their round orb shape. However they’re now achey and much worse for wear.
Overall, if he’s never been kicked before, it’s anyone’s guess what happens. I’ve seen boys shit their pants in front of everyone. Or puke up their expensive dinners. I’ve watched them involuntarily shoot cum straight out of their dicks, filling their underwear with hot, messy embarrassment. Those stains might come out, but the ignominy lingers forever. I’ve seen boys get kicked in the balls publicly and then have to move to a different city. Like they’re in the witness relocation program, the shame was so great.
With newbies, their minds may grasp what’s happening to them as they roll around in agony, but their body reacts like it doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s involuntary! Yay!
The pain for these ballbusting first timers is always too great. There’s no comparing it to any other life-altering experience. It’s traumatic and it can cause nightmares or even PTSD and panic attacks. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
What happens next after a first time ballbusting experience? Either instant regret and trying to run away from the situation or fear, anger, sadness or arousal. Spin the wheel to pick and choose one or several of these potential emotional consequences of ballbusting.
The experienced ballbustee:
On the other hand, you have the boys who, through an impenetrable mental alchemy, have become addicted. Addicted to that very same gut wrenching, paralysing agony, that can only be achieved through ballbusting.
My pet theory is that he must relive the all encompassing pain centered in his balls, on his own terms. Of his own devising, so that he can come to terms with it in a way he feels comfortable. His own Cock & Ball Torture Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or: CBT².
These boys have pursued that feeling of powerlessness so vigorously and to such an extent that they mentally own their helplessness, fully embracing their nut-pain-induced complete lack of agency.
“Come to daddy, sweet pain of ball-destruction”, they whisper as their plump balls are handed to them by a nice lady hellbent on destroying them.
As a result of many nut-smashes, their balls release less tachykinin or Substance-P into their nervous system, which equals in less ball-pain overall. They’re also able to handle more kicks and harder kicks. They can also partake in some extreme ballbusting that would put a lesser ballboi out for a long time. They can recover from it much more quickly. Although the pain is still there, its relevance is far away, removed and separated by some magic of time and lots of experienced gonad abuse.

One good thing I will say experienced ironballs; because they want a harder type of ballbusting, it helps me practice my aim and technique, to maximal devastating effect. So I always welcome them and they get my extreme ballbusting juices flowing with creativity!
What happens inside novice or experienced testicles during ballbusting, is the same.
When a girl kicks a pair of gonads and gets them just right, she needs to appreciate what’s going on inside the guts of the clackers.
It doesn’t matter if the testicles have been hit 0 times or 1000 times, the damage inside the testicles remains the same. If she kicks hard enough, the delicate ball spaghetti can get totally scrambled. She can cause tiny ruptures in the walls of the male organs and cause the breaking apart of countless microscopic lobules.
In the long term this causes swelling and can lead to fertility problems. In the short term it sets the nerve endings on fire. Pain shoots like lightning through the Vagus Nerve, running from the brainstem to the colon. Disrupting this important nerve system with shocking violence can cause everything from loss of bowel and bladder control, to total motor muscle collapse. It can even become difficult to breathe. Blood pressure shoots through the roof and then instantly drops. Unconsciousness can also happen immediately.

So, there’s lots of reasons here why guys may want to avoid painful nut smashes. To those of you into ballbusting, the many hilarious side effects of being mean to the most ridiculous of male organs just makes you horny and want to try it. To see what happens and how it feels 😉 oh you silly, naughty ballbois!
Which testicles I prefer – Novice or Experienced.
Some people ask me, “Stacy, which testicles do you prefer to bust? Kicking fresh unkicked balls? Or experienced balls?”
For anyone who knows me the answer should be obvious. I much prefer kicking virgin, un-kicked balls for a few reasons. First of all, I like the idea that I’m the first. It’s nice to know that no one’s come before and I have a fresh mental template on which to imprint. Boys never forget their first ballbusting experience. Am I right?
Think back, remember the first time a fun loving gal assaulted you in the balls. For an instant you realise that the world is a beautiful fragile place and things are about to never be the same. You wish you could turn back time even just a moment and de-escalate the situation, but it’s too late now. Your balls, your precious balls that you took care of all your life are now on fire, maybe damaged forever, and the girl isn’t concerned in the slightest. She’s actually just laughing in your face. She doesn’t care about your balls at all, and probably never will. Remember that moment? Remember that girl?
If it hasn’t happened to you I’m sorry. You missed out on that awesome core memory, which is by the way, a real building block in a boy’s personality. It’s a must-have event in your formative years. But if it has happened to you, I bet you remember don’t you?
Second, untapped balls are so much more sensitive than hardened, wizened balls. It’s a heady thrill to hit a pair of fresh balls as hard as you can. Instantly compressing them to within a fraction of their life, sending all the ball spaghetti squeezing into the delicate tubes at the back of the nuts.
Kicking a boy in his fresh zesty balls is an intense occasion. The pain is so great for one of these silly ball noobs. Dropping them to the floor like a ton of bricks is as easy as blowing a dandelion into the summer sky. Easy, fun, and endlessly fascinating. It’s plain to see why girls can get just a little bit addicted to the rush of ballbusting. It’s especially comical if the boy thinks for some reason that he can take it “like a man”. Made even better if something unpredictable happens.
Ballbusting virgins also are completely unaware of what’s coming. It’s always great to see the look of new knowledge flash over his upturned face like the shadow of a passing jumbo jet. His eyes bulging, his mouth agape. He’s opened a whole new door to a world of violent, queasy, gonad agony. It’s a new era, and I’ve singlehandedly ushered it in his life!
Also since I’m a professional and wise in the ways of ballbusting, I’ll immediately follow it up with a testicle grab, and a vicious squeeze of his newly hyper sensitive testis. Because why not? 😉 Or maybe I’ll just give him another hard ball-kick, if he’s that way exposed.
I’ll stare into his eyes as his never-before realised fears explode in his brain. Suddenly he’s thinking, can I still have kids? Will I need to take a fertility test? Do I need a Doctor? Are my balls ruptured?
Although I do like kicking all types of balls, newbies or not. It’s not every day that some ballbusting noob comes forward, asking me to be an evil bitch to his testicles. 😈
Very well written Stacy it is interesting to read from such an experienced ballbuster. Unfortunately, I have never been kicked in the balls by a woman. I agree with you that without this experience something is missing in life.
I would be happy if you would contact me. Maybe you feel like it.
Stacy, guys will remember you for the rest of their life beacuse you’re the one that gave him all that pain and fucked up his life by kicking him hard in the balls. Once a guy gets kicked in the balls for the fitst time he NEVER wants to get kicked again and It’s the complete opposite of us girls. Once you kick a guy in the balls and you see the effect and the feeling you want to do it again.
Stacy you are, of course, dead right. So please read this, it’s totally true and I think you’ll love it.
I will never forget the first time a girl kicked me there. It was on a school trip when I was just 15 (24 years ago and it’s still clear as a bell).
The girl and I were having a bit of a falling out, she was trying to slap me in the face but I was blocking her and feeling superior.
Her friend calls out “Just kick him in the bollocks.”
In the instant I turn to look at her friend, intending to tell her to stay out of it, the girl sent my balls into my throat with a hard punt.
I couldn’t believe it. It must have been her first time too as she seemed almost as shocked as I did. What had seemed like an innocent and very non-threatening argument had ended very quickly with me on the floor, holding my nuts, nearly crying.
She leant down to me and actually said “God are you ok?”
I couldn’t even answer her.
Her friend just said to her “Whatever, it’s just his bollocks, let’s go.”
And off they went.
Then I did start to cry, no-one was helping and I just didn’t know what to do. How could one kick hurt SO much??
Oh and Stacy, I know you must be super busy thinking up new ways to bruise testicles, but if you do read this, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I only recall that it was a guy that racked me while I was in 6th grade. My fetish is to surrender to female gal pals with mild play. Unfortunately, it seems too many women consider this to be a entertaining sport of sorts, and any unjustified attack would be considered assault. I tend to fight fire with fire were I to be assaulted, which could escalate to me using a firearm to defend myself. It is indeed a double- edged sword we brandish when condoning unjustified assaults on any human.
The local community college used to run ads on the sides of buses, emblazoning them with ‘WE TEACH CBT’. It was very amusing to my gf at the time (and then we would sneak off to whoever’s house was most family-free to shoot 144p, grainy nut assaults on our flip phones.)
Probably worth noting that bust-acclimation is a beautiful spectrum: some of us like to keep our plums fresh and unbruised (notwithstanding all the stray table edges and sports mishaps of daily life)–and then flop them out for special occasions. Sort of a nutritional food pyramid for busting, with a healthy dose of light nut-taps as the base (to keep the nervous system primed) and topped by those kick-yer-nuts-into-yer-throat’ers to be indulged in (very) sparingly. I still dread every second of being kicked, so it seems to be working!
Can men really jizz from a kick? I thought that was only from squeezing and masturbating they do that. Can men do that from a blast? how do people know this?
They definitely can! Sometimes it’s from sexual stimulation, but it’s even better when it’s a totally involuntary extremely painful paingasm with no good feelings involved. Sometimes thick pasty jizz will spurt from the dickhead and it looks agonizing, and fun! Usually with silly boys who aren’t used to ballbusting. Including first timers and poor sods who get caught unawares at their lockers with their backs to you 😆 happened back in the day a couple times. Rare, but good fun 🤗
First time I got kicked in the nutsack was in high school. I was 15 and jerking off a lot. I was standing by the lockers in school turning in my books. A girl Tina caught me from behind with a kick that got both my balls. I jizzed maybe a spunk deathrattle? My jeans were to tight so my nuts began oozing around her wrist trying to escape but had nowhere to go. I was laying grabbing my busted sack crying “my balls….my balls….” Not very dignified 30 minutes låter I could hobble away. I have big balls the size of large eggs. My left nut is bigger than the right nut. 🥜🥜🥜🤢
From 1 kick that can happen? I have heard from a ballbusting session where the guy likes it especially if she is massaging between kicks whether it be with her hand of feet. The double turn on makes sense for the getting off. If anyone could do it, I am sure you could.
She’s 100% right about a man’s first bust being a formative event. When I got kicked the first time at 13 I was the only boy in the class (it was a small, majority-girls school). To this day, I still have a fetish for being busted and laughed at by women, even though at 16 I turned out to be gay!
I can’t describe how happy I was to read that ‘virgin balls’ are your favourite. That’s the type I have! I’ve long fantasized about a beautiful woman like you taking great delight in punishing my ‘virgin balls’. I love the fact that you do this for you, not for clicks, and certainly not for the lucky recipient. This is a big deal for me (though I appreciate not perhaps for you), but I would like to take the plunge and offer my balls up to you and your not-so-tender ‘care’.
Hope you are interested in breaking in a fresh pair!
Love how guys spend their entire lives wearing cups and guarding their big untouched Testicles. It gives them a sense of empowerment knowing their Balls are safe. And if a girl asked him if his Balls are a weakness, he would just smirk and say, My Balls make me a Man, ill take it like a Man.
He has no idea what it feels like to get kicked in the Balls. At 27 years old, he has protected his Testicles all his life. They are naturally Powerful in their own respect, full of Testosterone and thriving Testicular Nerves. Such Virgin Testicles! So safe, so protected, and so Proud.
Then comes Stacy, and she knocks the crap outta them! All that pent up Testicular Energy that was once protected, soon cracks, as millions of Testicular Nerves react at the same time. At this moment his Virgin Balls received a hard Wake up call to their true masculinity. At this point, it Sucks to be Male!
It’s not just girls who kick guys in the nuts. Lots of us guys used to kick each other in school. The absolutely best, or worst kick I ever had, was from a mule. Caught me square, and damned near destroyed me. I couldn’t walk for three days. My cock, balls, and surrounding area were black for a week, and it took six weeks for all the bruising to go away.
I have been busted and have busted myself for years. I have been kicked hard without going down and have stood to take more kicks. I routinely beat my balls with my fists, A 5# mallet on a pivot, just so I don’t blister my hands, and I’ve placed hard objects behind my balls and smashed them with my fist or other hard objects. I tie shoelaces around my sack of gathered balls and tie the other end to my feet and yank the crap out of them by pulling on the cords. Busting has become necessary for me to orgasm. All you say is true with an exception. My experience is that while I am quite infertile, and probably have had micro ruptures and tears in my balls, they do heal and probably develop scar tissue that makes them tougher. I have found the pain has diminished to a degree. Sometimes when I am kicked or punched in my nuts, I feel it more as a dull ache inside my testicles rather than the pain radiating trough my abdomen and kidneys. Moreover, I find that slamming my fist into my balls while they are resting on a hard surface is slightly more painful and brings me to orgasm more quickly.
I love having my nuts busted. Mot so mush by kicks . But by holding them and punching them hard or by using a flogger and beating them hard I mean real hard. I would fall into the non virgin category but yes I want more nut pain. My nuts are for gals like you to have fun with!! Lots and lots of fun. Dam I wished i lived near you
My first time of having my nuts kicked was by a girl by the name of Rhonda. I was in the military stationed at Madison, Wisconsin when I met Rhonda & she was of French origin & I got to start dating her & found out that she was into BDSM & enjoyed being rough with her man. Well, one night we went out bar hopping & got a little bit tipsy to where she told me she wanted to make love to me but I had to do her a favor & that was to take her home, strip down & let her bust my balls. I didn’t think to much about it as I didn’t think it would hurt that much to be hit in the balls with her feet. So, I took her home & got undressed & let her hit me in my balls with her fist. Well, she had me turn away from her & the next thing I knew she kicked me in the nuts with her feet & raised my body off the floor before I collapsed & doubled over in pain. You see, I never thought about her feet making contact with my nuts! Anyway, while lying doubled on the floor, she got down & started massaging my balls which started to turn me on to give me a rock hard erection. She hopped up onto my cock & rode me until i blasted a ton of jism from the tip of my cock. This orgasm was so powerful that I became quite interested in having her abused my balls more frequently as I truly enjoyed the sex & orgasm obtained from my first experience with ball busting.
Ciao Stacy , I’m asking you but the question is open to all , when I was a novice to Ballbusting , I used to endure unbelievable series of kicks , I remember that often my mistress would get tired before me and every 10 kicks she had to catch her breath , and I would die of excitement , only in a second period , when the novelty wore off I began to suffer pain first , but at the same time I experienced an infinity of turtles to my jewels, from the squeeze to the hanging , via the baseball bat and whatnot, perhaps these novelties and the faces of my astonished mistress help endurance?
This is so fascinating that girls like Stacy exist. Literally dream girl. I have never been kicked in balls but i’m so curious about ballbusting. It is a pity that there are only few girls like you (
Love the “virgin balls” comment. My first time being kicked was by an older girl. She was a few years older. It was in elementary school. Us younger boys had been bothering the older girls. Finally, this one girl said “I know how to make them go away”. And I said “yeah right, how?” In defiance. I had never been kicked before. She swung her leg back and sent her black heavy boot sailing up between my legs. It took me seconds to process what was happening, but my face must have been hilarious. Her hand went up to her mouth and she looked shocked at my reaction. We looked at each other and then the PAIN HIT. I started screaming and collapsed and kicked my legs in a bicycle motion. I rolled all around the yard. Screaming and crying. She and her friends burst out laughing and pointed and laughed at me.
Anyway, that started a whole “thing” at our school. These older girls became obsessed with kicking boys who hadn’t been kicked before, which meant they were going a lot for boys younger than them. They became a terror of boys on the school yard for a while. I’m sure many boys remember these girls for their very memorable first kicks. And they didn’t hold back. They kicked hard.
Als jongentje een paar keer door mijn buurmeisje flink voor mijn ballen geschopt.
Daarom komt het dat ik mijn noten soms flink laat pijnigen.
Meestal zijn het naalden, maar een flinke schop in/onder mijn noten zo ik ook willen proberen.
My balls are the experienced variety. Being kicked by 20+ strippers probably 500 times total over 10 years at least.
They have been all variable. But consistently girls that are over 135 pounds and maybe 5’8″ can really whollop them.
That limits things in a strip club because if I got knocked out they would need to call an ambulance.
So I typically try to get lighter, smaller girls to bust my balls and trample me.
Clearly, there are more options for this fetish in England than anywhere else.