Group Ballbusting Is More Fun

For boys, getting kicked super hard in the balls is a shameful, painful, humiliating experience. It’s best quickly forgotten and never talked about again. For girls, kicking a boy in the balls is fun, exhilarating, something to be proud of, and to be shared with...

Ballbusting: How I Stumbled Upon My Favourite Fetish

For women with a ballbusting fetish, one of the most asked questions we get asked is “How did you get into ballbusting?”.Those of us who are vocal about our fetishes or kinks get asked this question by guys almost constantly! It’s like they think it...

Ballbusting Novice vs Experienced Testicles

The ballbusting novice: Many of the boys I’ve ballbusted had never had their nuts busted before that moment. Instead, they properly spent a lot of their life trying to look after their nuts. Protecting them and constantly worrying about their welfare LOL. As a...

Testicle Grabbing and Squeezing

Here’s a real life ballbusting story involving testicle grabbing and squeezing: I’m at a bar in the city of London, sipping on a nice cocktail and waiting for my friends to arrive. We have a fun night of dancing and hanging out. It’s nice to let my...

New Ballbusting Taser Video: Tied and Tasered

Taser, cattle prod, zapper, whatever you want to call it, it hurts a lot! I used it once on my leg just to see what it felt like, and holy shit it was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. It was like being hit with a hammer, but with no...
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