A Christmas Ballbusting Miracle

When I was growing up, I learned quite young that smashing a boy in his balls was a good way to a) get his attention, b) shut him up, and c) exert my utter female superiority over him. I practiced “ballbusting” on the neighbour boy who lived up the road,...

Random Unsolicited Ballbusting

Now before I start, I want to say that since I’ve grown up and become an adult woman, I realise now that random, sporadic, unsolicited attacks on boy’s testicles are a big no-no, and I’m not recommending any other people do so to undeserving males....

The Thrill of Nude Ballbusting

Ballbusting is always fun, whether I’m doing it to a tied up slave, a random fuckboy, or some slimy douchebag at the bar who gets a bit handsy. Sending a pair of testicles straight to the fucking moon is liberating (as a woman) and also highly amusing. That...

The Spikey Shoes Ballbusting Session

I’m a nice person. I like animals and the elderly, and I’m friends with my family and people I grew up with. I also think it’s bloody hilarious to kick a guy in the balls so hard that his body suddenly thinks its internal organs are being...

Grab, Twist & Pull

Recently on my Loyalfans I did a quick video of a ballbusting move you don’t see much online, I call it the “Grab, Twist and Pull”. It’s a super easy and a very effective ballbusting move that I’ve done quite a lot both in my personal...
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